The Magic of Gem Stones

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Here is some of the Stones I use , their magical properties and myths.

AGATES: The workhorse of the stone world; slow forming, steady and reliable. Promote grace, good health, happiness, intelligence, longevity. Agates are grounding and gentle. They are protection stones, stones for inheritances. They sharpen sight, illuminate minds and assist in discovery. They protect children from falling.
MOSS AGATES: Crown and brow center opener that connects the spiritual to the physical. Aura protector that neutralizes fears and opens the mind and Be-ing to new ideas. For meditation the clouds lead the mind into astral realms and expand consciousness. Eases emotional pain, aids creative visualization, increases trust and strength for earthly survival. Stimulates universal love. Connector to spirit guides,  Helps you connect with nature spirits and the land. Gardener's talisman, increases your plants' fertility and ensures a bountiful crop or healthy flowers.And has been known to aid with money problems


Amethyst-MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Amethyst can be used to increase psychic awareness, to sharpen the 'sixth sense'. Because of this, many people keep a crystal with their I-Ching, tarot, or Rune tools. It is considered a very spiritual stone.
HEALING: This stone is the major stone for the Crown Chakra. This location deals with extrasensory perception. In addition, it can be used in this position for healing of the nervous system and the brain.

Carnelian- MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Katrina Raphaell says that Carnelian can be used to "see into the past". The "Crystal Oracle" says that Carnelian refers to the Self, and Current Conditions. It is a grounding stone, and associated with the Earth. As such, it is considered practical, sensible and balanced. Cunningham associates the stone with the element of Fire. He suggests it as a talisman against Telepathic invasion.
HEALING: It is recommended for infertility or impotency. In addition it is used for purification of the blood. It has also been suggested that this stone will stop nose bleeding.

CITRINE: Opens conscious mind to intuition. For psychic and physical digestion and assimilation. Helps one adjust and adapt to process changes. Helps one feel confident and secure. Strengthens the will. Stimulates communication. Promotes mental clarity. Teaches unlimited prosperity - use, enjoy, and release so more and better things may come to you.

FLUORITE: Known as the Students stone for learning, If you carry this stone while learning anything you will retain more knowledge then without!It is here to teach us to be inter-dimensional. Used to advance the mind from one mental reality to the next. Aids in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Balances positive and negative aspects of the mind. Cleaner, grounds excess energies and helps one work with large amounts of energy. a green and purple mix of colors

GARNET: Strong help to balance your energy system, stimulate your desires and uplift your attitude. Draws happiness, power, possessions, and peace. Aids in patience, persistence, sexuality, and purification. Sharpens self-perception. Increases creative energy and sexual appetite. Enhances bodily strength, endurance, and vigor. Protection against thieves. Helps to align the emotional body to the spiritual body. Sleeping with it will help you remember your dreams.

HEMATITE-MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Hematite has long been associated with psychic awareness. In addition, some people believe that it assists in astral travel. "A scrying: In a darkened room, light a red candle. Settle before it and hold a large piece of hematite so that the candle's flame is reflected on it. Gaze at the reflection and visualize a question. The answer will come to you." (Cunningham)
HEALING: Hematite is a principal blood purifier among stone healers. It can be placed anywhere on the body for this purpose, or worn as a ring, pendant or necklace for continuous healing. It is also considered a grounding stone, which makes it useful for those people who have difficulty concentrating on the "here-and-now". Shamans historically have believed that Hematite, placed over the location of an illness, will draw the "spirit" of the illness out of the patient and into itself.


MALACHITE-MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Used to direct power towards magical goals. Protective, especially towards children. "Small pieces of malachite placed in each corner of a business building or a small piece placed in the cash register draws customers. Worn during business meetings or trade shows, it increases your ability to obtain good deals and sales.
HEALING: If the malachite is of the blue-green variety, it can be associated with the Sacral Center, or Splenic Chakra (Svadisthana). Here, it's energy branches to the left, to the spleen. (It is intended in this position for those who are celibate.) In addition, if it is grass-green, it can be used at the Lumbar/Solar Plexus Center. "When the malachite is placed at the solar plexus and a piece of green jade is placed at the heart center and a double-terminated quartz crystal is placed between them, people may remember events that have been blocked for years. They may cry or scream. As these buried emotions are brought to the surface and released, a great weight is lifted and they soon feel renewed."  It is said the stone comes from another planet! And is the most magical of all stones


TIGER EYE: Carry for clear thinking, accurate judgement, protection, and good-luck. Symbolizes personal power, integrity, and the ability to bring heaven to earth. Aids in manifesting ideas and visualizations into reality. Helps one recognize past life connections with others. Picks up the sounds of the earth - the pulsations. Psychic protector, guards against negativity. Helps one find the most advantageous and positive way to reveal their inner light. Promotes wealth

TURQUOISE-MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Turquoise is thought to increase Wisdom. "An old ritual utilized Turquoise to gain wealth. Perform this rite a few days after the New Moon when the crescent is first visible in the sky. Avoid looking at the Moon until the proper time. Hold a Turquoise in your hand. Visualize your magical need -- money -- manifesting in your life. Move outside and look at the Moon. Then directly shift your gaze to the Turquoise. The magic has begun. Carry stone with  until the money arrives."
HEALING: It is recommended that healers wear Turquoise to increase their power. This stone is also said to heal the emotional "heart" of the individual. In addition it has been recommended for healing stomach disorders and for the eyes.


CLEAR QUARTZ: Known as "Ice of Eternity." All-around healer and amplifier. Capable of dispersing white light into the seven spectral colors. Aligns one's consciousness with the electromagnetic forces of the universe, helping each of us find our own inner light that connects us with the One Light. Magnifiers of psychic and healing energies. Used to help focus and amplify one's thoughts or intentions.
ROSE QUARTZ: It's pink! It's love! It's a gentle awakening! Stimulates love of self, love of others, love of the Universe. Teaches one how to give and receive love, the power of forgiveness,& opens the heart. Heals soul trauma. Clears and encourages a beautiful complexion( put arose quartz in a bottle of  witch hazel and rub on face once a day ). Prevents wrinkles. Helps one reduce weight. (color fades in direct sunlight)
SMOKEY QUARTZ: Stimulates and purifies the base chakra. Channels the white light energy of the crown chakra into the first chakra to be rooted deep into the physical plane. I will give one a sense of pride about walking the earth and inhabiting a physical body. It helps one come to terms with their body, their heart, their life and their world. Gives one the power to manifest their dreams and visions of earth. Enables one to assimilate more in life by teaching to let go of what is no longer needed for growth. Grounding.

RUTILATED QUARTZ: Integrates the Life Force into our bodies. Energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system. Strengthens positive direction. Raises your vibration - prevents depression. Heals the soul center. Increases clairvoyance. Strengthens thought projection. Opens connections with the universal others. Aids in past life memories. Aids in getting answers to questions asked. Helps the body assimilate nutrients, helps the immune system, slows dis-eases of aging as it stimulates tissue regeneration.
TOURMALATED QUARTZ: The combination of clear white and radiant black creates a perfect polarity of energies and creates a natural balance in whatever work is done with it. The black tends to neutralize one's negative energies and is a dedicated servant to the light. Stimulates astral projection.
SNOW QUARTZ: Stimulates your hopes and stabilizes your dreams. Helps you use your own inner resources and potentials to alleviate your self-blocks. Helps us have a focus of purity in ourselves. Promotes clarity of mind and activates the crown chakra. It shows us our oneness with our Creator. Helps one have a love of truth.
BLUE QUARTZ: A fine peace and tranquility stone. Stimulates creativity and expression.
GREEN QUARTZ: Stimulates creativity. An all-around healer, it soothes, heals, and balances. Prosperity stone.


are formed along energy lines found within the natural forces of the earth itself. Even beyond the earth within the natural forces of the cosmos itself. The stars you see about the earth at night and the other planets also radiates lines of force. These lines literally transverse the earth itself and generates energy along the meridian of these lines...It is along these lines that crystals are formed in the natural state. So in essence they are the energy of the cosmos itself.

Nature acts as a storehouse of energy. We have to learn to tap this storehouse, if man were to know of the natural abilities of crystals. There would not be any problems of energy shortages. Crystals are energy in themselves, in many different forms.

Crystals help with clairvoyance, generate energy, keep away nightmares. If powdered it is good for swelling, heart disease, eye disease, fever, intestinal problems. In Scotland it is the stone of victory..


UNIKITE: Combination of pink feldspar and green epidote. The pink in unikite speaks to the heart chakra to awaken the love within. the green lends its healing qualities to any hurts which have been sustained. The pink is more grounding than rose quartz. Unikite has a leveling effect and helps to balance the emotional aspects of the body.

Gem stones have been around since the dawn of time! I would like to share the information I have learned about them over the years ! So enjoy the magic of Mother earth!

MadamFitcheStitches ( Hand made Headpieces & Gown) * Covington, WA * US * 98042